375 29 349 48 38

Opening hours 9:00-21:00 MSK

Our services


Individual design

Creating a project of a house, cottage settlement or hotel made of glulam or using half-timbered technology, taking into account all wishes, the geology of the site, surrounding objects, as well as GOST and building norms and rules. Learn more

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You sign 1 contract with us for all stages of construction, and we alone are responsible for the result at each stage. Strict compliance with GOST standards and building codes, technical supervision. Quality assurance of the house being built. Learn more


Technical supervision

Expert verification measures that ensure: standards of construction sites, the quality of construction work and their compliance with norms and rules, the use of building materials specified in the construction project.
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Warranty and maintenance

During the construction of a house by the units of the ZAVDOZ group, the customer receives free maintenance as a gift in the first year after completion of construction and guarantees for a house kit and installation of glulam walls for up to 50 years.
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ZAVDOZ Group conducts design and construction in full compliance with the requirements of banks, and also provides a package of documents necessary for concluding a mortgage loan agreement. Learn more