375 29 349 48 38

Opening hours 9:00-21:00 MSK

The opening of the 3rd production line took place

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On December 16 we launched a new production line - the third workshop for the production of houses made of glulam. The equipment for the new production was purchased in Germany: an automated woodworking complex of the world-famous company “Hundegger”.

This complex is used for automatic processing of glued and solid wood blanks to obtain all types of house parts. The equipment will allow for inclined and V-shaped sawing, cutting into a cone and oblique cutting with high accuracy in automatic mode. The house kits produced with the help of new equipment will be distinguished by high cutting accuracy.

ZAVDOZ acquired this complex among other things for the manufacture of house kits sing the “real half-timbered" technology.

The expansion of production will increase the volume of house kits produced by the plant by 25%.
